Aries: You haven’t got any time for bullshit, have you? How could you, indeed, when you’re already juggling a dozen projects before it’s even time for lunch. And you get the job done, for sure! Just be careful not to bite off more than you can chew! You’re not one to back down from any challenge and while inspiring, the seemingly blind optimism with which you impulsively take charge might also end up alienating your siblings-in-arms – be it by burdening them with too much or by charging towards a goal that is, ultimately, primarily yours. Never forget that the very reason the various communities came together under the LGBTIQ+-umbrella is that “every person for themselves” doesn’t work – a lesson learned the hard way…
Taurus: Life is not a tragedy – at least not in the literary sense. In other words, you won’t get any bonus points for sticking it out in an uncomfortable or, frankly, unhealthy situation for longer than you need to. Are you trying to prove a point? To whom exactly? Just try to let it go. Granted, that’s easier said than done, but listen to the voice of reason in the back of your mind. Especially since you are the only one getting hurt by your obstinance! Indeed, it is in direct opposition to your need for assurance and the longer you stick it out, the deeper the painful uncertainty will grow. “It’s almost a full-time/job to yearn/& crave/love OF COURSE/(unlike labor) a/dyke imperative”, but your time and energy should be too precious for “unpaid labor”.
Gemini: Life’s too short and there’s just so much to be done, discovered, and experienced, right? If anyone is aware of the urgency inherent to life itself, it’s probably you! What’s the point in dwelling on the past when there’s so much (or so little – both, actually, depending on the point of view) ahead of you? But while this attitude of just moving on represents one of your greatest strengths, it doesn’t exactly do wonders for your reputation, let’s face it! The fact of the matter is that, in a milieu as small as the queer community, there will invariably always be social and emotional baggage. And as little as the way others perceive you may matter to you – you’re great, after all, at recovering from faux-pas – the very disdain for sentimentality that allows you to tackle it all at once not only closes off a whole aspect of life to you but also may leave scars on those around you… Something to be aware of – if you find the time, that is…
Cancer: Everyone who knows you will probably tell you that you are the listener par excellence. And whatever secret you’re given, you keep like a fortress. Shame only, that barely anyone will get to know this and so much more about you! It’s understandable, really – to a degree… You know best how fragile you may really be behind the tough front that you’re putting up, the insecurities hidden behind a veneer of unshakable confidence. Just don’t let this self-awareness turn into self-pity and the fear of getting hurt by not fitting in into paranoia! Because after all, what are we all if not misfits and weirdos? Try to remember the original meaning of the word “queer”! Also, while conflict avoidance may spare you some pain now, not tackling painful issues might just come back to bite you in the long run! Just keep in mind that there will always be friction when getting to know someone!
Leo: There’s a fine line between confidence and arrogance, courage and foolhardiness – and it’s sometimes hard to tell on which side you land. Also, your tendency to make everything about yourself doesn’t help either. You are capable, yes, and you definitely have at least a spark of the greatness you are projecting. But ambitions and reality don’t always align and when it comes down to it, will you be able to recognize your own failings? Talk about double-edged swords… Your found family will surely stick with you, but probably not until the bitter end – as much as the drama queen on your shoulder wants you to go there. And what is the point in shining brightest if there’s no one left to be admired by?
Virgo: Listen to your heart! Try it, it’s more than just a Roxette song! However you may feel about them, your feelings are, in fact, valid! Sure, this may not come easy to you, as a very practically-minded, rational person, but try at least to consider it as necessary maintenance to keep the “machine” running smoothly! And it’s assured to help you avoid trouble down the road: after all, the very motivation for your hard work is your need to help others! They might, however, not always appreciate it, since the perfectionism inherent to your way of doing things can be hard to swallow. And it’s not just about the way others perceive you but also help you avoid the pitfalls of your codependent tendencies. So, just think of listening to your heart as a way of self-improvement! You’re into that, aren’t you? And if nothing else, you’re welcome for the inspiration for the next karaoke!
Libra: You sure like the finer things in life, art, fashion, and beauty in all its different shapes – to the degree of almost fitting into certain stereotypes about gays… Who could blame you, though, since they are the things that make life worth living, after all! And lest someone mistake you for a shallow aesthete and hedonist: a life filled with beauty is, in turn, only worth it if it can be shared. Beauty, partnership, and harmony are the three elements that are needed for your ideal, peaceful life. While this may sound easy enough to you, there will always be a chasm between the ideal and the real: the people-pleasing stemming from your desire for harmony might just backfire, and what even needs to be said about partnership at any cost. The thing about ideals is that they will never be fully realized, so don’t let them consume you! After all, your taste is far too good!
Scorpio: You’re a survivor, to say the least! Life has thrown it all at you, but you’re still standing! That doesn’t mean, however, that all the hurt hasn’t left its scars on you, both physical and emotional… Your trust may not come easy – and it isn’t hard to see why, seeing how many people tend to be quite two-faced – but to those who’ve earned it, you’re the most loyal friend or partner imaginable! Just remember, you are not alone! As strong and admirable as your dedication to self-reliance and self-preservation is, pain shared is pain half-felt and there’s probably no other community that understands pain and trauma better than your fellow queers!
Sagittarius: Life has been quite tough on you these last months – are you even trying to catch a break? Shade aside, your resilience is quite something: despite it all, you are flourishing, burning with passion, and passing on the flame. You may not believe it since it doesn’t feel like it, but you’re on top of your game! Stay careful, however, as you may just be your greatest enemy! Clear and honest communication is key to all human relations, of course, but being thoughtful and considerate is just as important and both are a necessity. And try not to give in to your worst impulses either: where will you turn, when all bridges are burnt and all earth around you is scorched?
Capricorn: Let’s jump right into it, just the way you prefer! As much as your practicality, your realism, and your drive enable you to reach whatever goal you set for yourself, these great strengths of yours are also, ultimately, your greatest weaknesses. Indeed, dogged persistence may come off as stubbornness at best and inflexibility at worst. And it’s not just that it might strain the rapport you have with those closest to you, but it also takes its toll on you! After all, you’re as unforgiving to yourself as you are to others and you could stand to cut everyone some slack. It will pay off in the long run, promise! And an important part of this may just be to try to be more accepting of otherness. “Your way or the highway” will only take you so far, and diversity is not something to be feared, but rather a source of strength, like the different colors of the rainbow forming a whole.
Aquarius: Let’s face it: we all struggle to “fit in”, or rather, to find that place where it feels like we belong. But you likely do more so than the rest of us, making you a misfit among misfits, as cliché as it may sound! Indeed, you care little for the gossip and the petty squabbles and drama that seemingly make up the bread and butter of social interactions in queer circles. If you want to give it a positive spin, however, you could say that you’re at least not getting bogged down by all these little messes around you! Upon closer inspection, it is clear why and how all of it is off-putting to you: the whole factionalism versus your commitment to the community as a whole, the prejudice stemming from social baggage versus your tendency to take people as they come. So, if anything, it reflects well on you! With your heart and your mind in the right places, you just have to try and be careful about that stubborn streak of yours since it might just make things harder than they need to be!
Pisces: Unlike (too) many others, you have realized that, as much as they may sometimes end up causing pain for you, empathy and kindness are not a weakness. That said, you could stand to be more firm when establishing boundaries, even if out of mere self-preservation. Putting others’ needs as your highest priority, without regard for your own well-being, that’s called codependency. And as much as it is unfortunately not an uncommon occurrence in queer relationships, just because it’s prevalent doesn’t mean it’s any less unhealthy! And please don’t give in to the temptation of putting your head in the sand, hoping things might get better all by themselves. They won’t. Reality can be a bitch, no one will argue that. But the best way to tackle it is head-on. As dark as things may seem sometimes, there is always beauty to be found! After all, “In a polluted sea, fish still kiss”!
© Illustrations by Viki Mladenovski